Check for Errors
Before SPS review, the SPS secretary prepares the application and selects a date for review.
There is only one task during SPS Prep: the SPS Secretary checks for obvious errors in the certification application. To conduct an SPS Prep, select an SPS Prep:Check for Errors in SPS Prep task from the My Tasks table.

Access the information associated with the application by clicking on the Documents link. Then indicate the Next Step.

- If there are no obvious errors:
- Click “No Error Found, on SPS Agenda”
- Enter SPS numbers from IRACNet
- Set the SPS Meeting Date for this application to be reviewed.

- If there are obvious errors:
- Click “Error found, back to Agency”
- Assign the Task to either the agency representative/submitter or an alternate contract through email.
- If the application requires more analysis, assign the task to the appropriate work group, either WG7 or WG8, and enter instructions on the Internal Discussion panel on the left.
SPS meetings occur on the 2nd Thursday of each month, and the date field will default to the next scheduled meeting.